Attitude Shayari In English

I Have an Attitude For Those,
Who Force Me To Show THem.

If You Want To Be An Eagle,
Stop Hanging Out With Chickens.

Life Always Has Many Things To Bring You Down,
But, What Can Really Bring You Down Is Your Attitude.

Never Get So Attached That You Accept
Being Disrespected, Used, Lied To, Or Cheated On.

Best Attitude Shayari In English

If You Don't Control Your Attitude,
Then I Will Control You.

Everything Is Created Twice,
First In The Mind And Then In Reality.

I don't Care About Popularity,
I live In Reality.

Your Attitude, Not Your Aptitude,
Will Determine Your Altitude.

Men’s Attitude Shayari In English

Don't Try To Mess With Me,
Because You Will See,
Different Aspects Of My Great Personality.

Don't Call Me Nerdy Or Geeky,
Because Of Glasses,
It's Just I Have Beautiful Eyes.

Who Does Not Understand Your Value,
Ignore Them, Who Will Respect Your Value,
Don Not Neglect Them.

Where There Is Courage, There Is Success,
Where There Is Success, There Is Joy,
Happiness Inspires Health,
And Health Increases Life Expectancy.

Do Not Look At Your Situation Today, And Imagine Your Situation Tomorrow,
Do Not Lose The Courage To Change Your Situation,
For A Moment To The God Who Gave Birth To You.

To Love Someone, Requires Positive Eyes,
To Be Loved By All One requires a Positive Tongue.

High Attitude Shayari In English

In A Relationship, One Who Loves Less Holds THe Power,
But Power Isn't Happiness.

Do Not Expect Someone To Come And Understand Your Pain.
You Need Courage Yourself You Need To Stnad Up For Yourself.

Always Be True And Original,
Because No One Can Replace You.

Don't Push Me To THe Level,
Where I No Longer Care.

I Am Not Heartless,
I Just Learned,
How To Use My Heart Less.

You Don't Deserve Someone Who Comes Back,
You Deserve Someone Who Never Leaves.

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